Different ways you can help raise money for Higher Hopes! with your everyday shopping!
Higher Hopes! has been selected as 1 of 5 charities in the WeatherGard Cares fundraising campaign! When you buy 5 or more windows and select Higher Hopes! as your charity, they will donate $100 in your name!
Visit https://weathergard.com/cares/ to learn more and get started on those home renovations you’ve been putting off!
Are you a Kroger Plus Card member? If so, please take 30 seconds & follow a few simple steps to start donating to Higher Hopes! with each shopping trip you make!
- Go to http://
www.krogercommunityrewards. com/ - Click “view details” under ‘I’m a Customer’
- Sign in (or create an account if you’re not already a Kroger member)
- Enter TG155 in the search field & then click Enroll!
*Within 7-10 business days of successfully registering your Kroger Plus Card, you will see at the bottom of your receipt “At your request, Kroger is donating to HIGHER HOPES!”